Cadillac Ranch

If you ever find yourself driving along route 66 across upper Texas, the Cadillac Ranch is the place to stop. It’s an art installation where 10 old Cadillac’s were buried halfway leaving their hoods sticking straight out of the dirt making it a graveyard for Cadillacs. I guess people over the years started stealing bits and pieces of the cars as souvenirs and leaving their mark in the form of graffiti. The creators just went with it and the result today is probably hundreds of coats of spray paint covered these Cadillac frames. I’m not even kidding. You can actually see thick, dried, drips of paint hanging from parts of the cars. The best part is anyone is allowed to come and add their mark to these cars.
If you’re coming in from the east there is a home depot just before you get there. If you’re dead set on spraying painting on the cars, make sure you stop to buy a can or two. We had great luck, since we wanted to try our hand at spray painting but didn’t get off the freeway in time to stop in Home Depot. I happen to go up to two ladies and ask them if they would kindly give their cans to us when they were finished. They were so nice and just handed us them right away! If this happens to you, pay it forward and give the cans to people heading into the area. Don’t get too attached to your artwork though. It could be painted over within minutes. So take your pictures quickly!
By the way, sidenote, I was a little surprised at the lack of attractions on Route 66. We all know that phrase, “Get your kicks on Route 66”. Most likely you won’t actually be driving on Route 66, but rather route 40. It basically parallels Route 66 but not what I thought it was going to be like. This was literally the only place I found along Route 66 that sounded remotely interesting.
I had never tagged anything before, but it’s definitely a rush and very fun. Just be prepared to have paint covered fingers. So, don’t wear anything you wouldn’t want to get dirty if you’re going to use spray paint.
PS. Spot the Shannon Did What in the picture below!
Yours Truly // Shannon