Current Beauty Obsessions

I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I’m just starting to get into the beauty and makeup realm. It’s crazy. I didn’t know what I was missing. I also didn't realize how much money I'd be spending on beauty products. It's a little bit of a downward spiral once you start watching beauty youtube videos and wanting to by all the products they talk about. So worth it though. I'm loving all of these products so much that I wanted to share these with you all. Trust me they are the best!
I didn’t realize what an eyelash curler can do for your whole look. It really opens your eyes up. I love this eyelash curler because it doesn’t pull out my lashes and is super easy to use. I break tradition and curl my lashes twice. Once before mascara and then again after you've let you're mascara dry. I usually finish getting ready, eat breakfast and then curl them again.
When I bought my first lipstain, I loved the color but it felt like it was way too drying. I searched around trying to find a gloss or something to put over it without changing the color and without looking like a gloss. I found this clear lipstick and it is amazing! It really moisturizes and stays for a long time.
I literally used to never wear lippies, but I’ve kind of become addicted. This is a perfect semi-dark color for going out or night outings. Also, I’m pretty sure it looks great on all skin colors. Like I mentioned above, the only thing I didn’t like was how dry it becomes. I mean it is a lip stain, but put on some Marc Jacob Make-out and you’re set!
There are literally hundreds of uses for Bentonite Clay. Well, maybe not hundreds but a ton of different uses. By far, my favorite is a face mask. Since its all natural, its supposed to draw out toxins, treat acne, evens out skin tone among other benefits and also leaves your skin so soft after. Don’t be scared when it starts to dry, it feels like your face is tightening. Also, make sure to read the directions. You can’t use a metal spoon to mix it because it will lose all its healing qualities.
I just got this for my birthday this month and am in love. Really I didn’t think I’d love it this much. I was like, I can clean my face without spending money on some fancy brush. I was so wrong. It leaves your skin so smooth and soft. No joke!
Yours Truly // Shannon