The Best View of the Hollywood Sign

I’m a Los Angeles native and up until two weeks ago, I had never hiked to see the Hollywood Sign. The closest I ever came to seeing the Hollywood Sign was from Griffith Observatory. Not exactly what I’d call close. I think it’s just one of those things where you really don’t do the touristy things when you’re from an area. I had been hearing the gossip that the main hike up to the sign was going to be closed. I also saw I video on the best way to see the sign, so I thought I’d get in a hike to the sign before the route closed. Much to my surprise it was super easy to get to a great view of the sign and it wasn’t the route the news had been publicizing that was going to be closed.
I'm not sure many people know about this hike, so I'm going to share it with all of you. Here it goes: the fastest, easiest, best way to view the Hollywood Sign.
Start out by parking near Lake Hollywood Park. Put it into your navigation and then park on Canyon Lake Drive. You should be able to park anywhere on this street since it is a public park. Don't be alarmed by the parking enforcement that drives by frequently. I believe they are patrolling Mulholland just above the park where there is no stopping.
This is the view right above the park. Don't worry it gets better than this.

Continue walking along the side of the road. You can stop for a pic here or again keep going for a better view.

You eventually will run out of sidewalk (well dirt), so just continue on the road. Be careful of cars. Just stay to the left and follow along the upper road. You'll eventually come to this street. Don't be alarmed, the guard is there to keep cars from driving this area. Pedestrians are allowed - heard this straight from the guard.

As you continue you'll find yourself on a dirt fire lane path behind the houses. Do be courteous as it is a residential area. You'll find yourself here on the correct side of the gate. If you were to come up Deronda Dr. it seems you'll be locked out unless you're a resident.

After you round the corner, you'll end up here. The view is on the ridge on the left!

Here's the view from the best spot to see the Hollywood Sign! The hike or really walk is just about a mile long. Much of it is shaded by trees and the route itself is very easy.

See super easy, right? The route that closed was the Hollyridge Trail, but this one starts to the left of the sign versus Hollyridge on the right. You can continue hiking through the hills from here, or just stop here for the pictures!
Yours Truly // Shannon
PS. The service in much of this area is spotty, so copy the map below just in case! Oddly, there was really good service when you get to the view on the ridge.