While at the Anaheim Packing House, recently, I came across this really cool t-shirt pop up that struck a chord in me that I thought I'd share. Granted, everything at the Anaheim Packing House is pretty awesome, but this stood out. I'm a huge sucker for companies and projects that benefit others and Povertees does just that. Not to mention their ridiculously cool designs for shirts. Helping others mixed with great design, count me in! I'm always trying to find new ways to give back. I struggle with this as an adult because growing up I was very heavily involved in volunteer work. I even went on a mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya to teach a Vacation Bible School to kids in the slum. It was so rewarding. Well, any volunteer activity, really, is rewarding, which is again why I feel the need to find more ways to help others. But that's a discussion for another time.
Povertees is a clothing company, as you probably could have guessed, that makes t-shirts. They let you choose the shirt or sweatshirt and then a cool pocket to be sewn onto it. The pockets are all cool prints. I seriously wanted every single one. If you love graphic tees and awesome patterns, you'll be in heaven. The hardest part is choosing the color shirt you'd like and a pocket to match with it. There a literally a million combinations. Maybe not a million, but obviously you get the point. After you choose both, they sew the pocket on immediately, on the spot. Pretty neat, right? The philanthropic part is that Povertees employees women who are trying to transition out of homelessness to sew the pockets that you can choose from. To quote their website, the founders say that when you "purchase [their] clothing, you participate in a cycle of giving". And who doesn't want to give back?

Also, their shirts are extremely comfy. It's that really soft cotton that's stretchy and flattering at the same time. I got one for my brother for Christmas, as you can see below. If you're looking for a great gift for a trendy guy or girl that appreciates design, look no further. Check them out here and grab a cool shirt while you're at it. I love mine and so does my brother!

Yours Truly // Shannon
P.S. If you missed it, check out my post for the Anaheim Packing District. It's a really cool food hall with amazing food, both savory and sweet!